Nutrition Education for Kids: 3 Ways to Encourage Nutritious, Sustainable Eating Habits

Nutrition Education for Kids: 3 Ways to Encourage Nutritious, Sustainable Eating Habits

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Protect the future by helping your child develop a pro-planet, food-positive attitude.

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Two young boys sitting at a table looking at three clear containers of soil and sprouting greens.

APRIL 24, 2023   4 MINUTE READ

Earth Month takes place every April, making this a great time to focus on your children's nutrition education as it relates to sustainability. While nutrition education for kids is important year-round, Earth Month presents the perfect opportunity to talk with them about how their food choices impact both their bodies and the planet.

Showing kids how to fuel their bodies with good nutrition while minimizing their carbon footprint can help create positive habits for years to come. Here are a few ways you can support a relationship with food that will sustain your child while helping to ensure a healthy food supply for future generations.

How to Foster a Positive Relationship With Food in Your Child

Food plays an important part in supporting overall health by providing the essential nutrients you need to thrive. At the same time, food can foster community, provide a source of enjoyment and reflect cultural values and traditions. Many children learn about these aspects of food and nutrition at school or during family discussions.

The connection between food and the health of the planet is a more recent conversation topic. If you want to teach your child how to support the environment while focusing on good nutrition, here are three ways to do just that.

1. Cook More Plant-based Meals

Data suggests that greenhouse gas emissions resulting from vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are around 50% and 35% lower, respectively, than most eating approaches that include meat. Reduced meat consumption is also associated with using fewer natural resources.

Eating lean meats such as lean beef, fish and chicken can provide important nutrients, including protein, vitamin B12 and choline. However, eating excessive amounts of these foods may not be the best choice for the environment.

To take a small step to support the Earth's well-being, try replacing one meat-centered meal a week with a plant-based protein such as lentils, chickpeas or tofu. A lentil-based Sloppy Joe is a kid-friendly favorite. If that doesn't hit the spot, try swapping half the meat with minced veggies, such as mushrooms. This way, they'll get the protein they need while learning firsthand that there are plenty of delicious plant-based foods.

2. Buy Foods in Season and Shop Locally When Possible

Choosing foods that don't require a long distance to transport can help reduce carbon emissions. Two ways to accomplish this are to shop for fresh, in-season produce and to shop locally.

Today, many fruits and vegetables are available year-round, regardless of whether your local climate is conducive to growing them. But the blueberries you see at your local store when it's not blueberry season where you live likely had to travel thousands of miles to become available to you. Likewise, if you live in Florida but insist on California oranges instead of a Florida-grown variety, enjoying that citrus contributes to the demand for foods that are transported across long distances.

Explain this concept to your child and demonstrate what it looks like to shop seasonally and locally. Find what's in season near you.

3. Start a Garden to Grow Food at Home

Kids love a good DIY project, and there aren't many at-home activities as good for the environment and your health as starting a garden to grow your own food. Having homegrown fruits and veggies at your fingertips encourages a personal relationship with the foods you eat. Some evidence also shows that children tend to be more open to trying new foods if they play a hand in growing them themselves. After all, how could you not be curious about something you made with your own hands?

Encouraging Children to Eat for a Healthy Future

Learning how to make sustainable food choices early on can result in lifelong habits that help support a healthy body and planet. And while Earth Month is a great time to start incorporating your nutrition-focused goals, continuing these habits throughout the year is key to making a lasting impact.

Simple actions such as choosing seasonal produce or swapping animal-based proteins with plant-based choices can spark a conversation with your child about how the foods you eat and the planet's health are interconnected. Over time, these practices can result in positive attitudes and habits that your child will carry with them into adulthood.

7 Immune Supporting Lunches and Healthy Snacks for Kids

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This year, as kids head back to school, immune health will understandably be top of mind for many parents.

While you can't protect your child from every germ in the classroom, there are things you can do to support your kid's immune system. In addition to encouraging personal hygiene and safe socialization, one way to help your child navigate their school's classrooms and hallways is packing them a few healthy snacks and a well-rounded lunch. 

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How to Promote Better Nutrition for Kids at Snacktime

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Snacking gets a bad name, but maybe it shouldn't. Research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows that balanced snacks can provide important nutrition for kids and deliver essential vitamins, minerals and protein to support their rapid growth and development.

The trouble is, not all snacks are created equal, nutritionally speaking. Some snacks for kids are packed with key nutrients, whereas, others are filled with salt, saturated fat and empty calories or don’t contain a balance of nutrients because they are mostly fat or carbohydrate. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children consume three meals and two snacks per day.  If you're wondering which snacks are best for your children, this guide can help. 

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