Abbott strengthens communities around the world through the power of science-based, global nutrition.


The Causes of Undernutrition in Adults: Beyond Inadequate Intake

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Older couple sits at a table, sipping soup.


Malnutrition exists in different forms, and each type can uniquely affect bodily function at all ages. The causes of nutrition imbalances can vary and are often a complex makeup of individual, community and policy factors. Symptoms depend on the degree of nutrient deficiency and may not always be immediately apparent.

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Understanding Childhood Malnutrition: Easy Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Child

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A smiling child reaches for a carton of eggs while their father stands behind them wearing an apron.


Childhood malnutrition — both undernutrition and overnutrition — can affect any child, compromising physical growth, cognitive development and immune health. Addressing the problem requires our best efforts.

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