6 Ways to Support Your Child's Immune System

Gut Health and Your Child's Immune System | Abbott Nutrition

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By Rachael Buck, PhD, researcher and immune health expert at Abbott

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JUN. 25, 2018 5 MINUTE READ

Originally published in First Time Parent

It's a simple fact: kids tend to get sick a lot when they're young. In fact, children under age 6 get an average of six to eight colds a year, plus ear infections, bouts of diarrhea and other illnesses. On top of that, some also have allergies, asthma and eczema.

While there's a lot you can do to keep germs from wreaking havoc on your baby's immune system, one of the best-kept secrets in preventing illness and boosting the immune system can be found in the gut – or, more specifically, the gut microbiome.

What is the Gut Microbiome?

The microbiome is an enormous collection of approximately 100 trillion microbes, or microscopic organisms that live on and in your body, and most of them are found in the gastrointestinal tract, known simply as "the gut."

Bacteria are a class of microbes that are found in the gut. Some types of bacteria which are harmful can lead to infections and diseases while others are healthy and helpful to boost immunity, improve digestion, and even help cut down on crying time in colicky babies, among other benefits.

When there's a balance between these healthy and harmful bacteria, your baby's immune system is better prepared to fight off what may come.

The Gut at Every Age

Your baby is changing and growing by leaps and bounds each day, and his gut is no different.

  • The First 24 Hours

    When your baby is born, his body is colonized by microbes from the birth canal and mom's gut, skin and breast milk. The types of microbes differ depending on whether your baby was born vaginally or by cesarean section, in a hospital, birthing center or at home; and by nearly every surface he comes into contact with during the first 24 hours after birth.
  • The First 6 Months

    During the first few months of life, your baby's microbiome will have only a few types of microbial species. Yet as he meets new people, goes to new places and explores new environments—whether it's grandma's house or a neighborhood park—he'll get additional species, and the composition of his microbes will change and become more diverse.

As your baby starts to reach for toys, the microbes can even differ between his two hands.

The diversity of microbes is also affected by whether your baby is fed breast milk, infant formula, or both, and by the solid foods he eats.

  • Early Childhood

    Throughout the pre-school years, your child's microbes will continue to change and look a lot like those of his other family members. By 3-years-old however, his microbiome becomes more stable. Yet a fever, a course of antibiotics, or new types of foods can disrupt and change the bacterial makeup in his gut.

  • Adulthood

    In adults, the microbiome changes yet again. As a result of hormonal shifts during pregnancy, breastfeeding, weaning and menopause, the microbiome of a woman, in particular, can look very different from a man's.

Six Ways to Nurture Your Child's Immune System

One of the best things you can do to help your child's immune system to develop and keep him healthy now and well into the future is to optimize his gut health. Here are six easy and simple things that can help:

1. Be skin-to-skin.

Studies show skin-to-skin contact, or "kangaroo care," especially in the first few days after your baby is born, provides a long list of health benefits, not the least of which is gut health. Skin-to-skin contact from both parents gives your baby many of the microbes he needs.

2. Know your HMOs.

Breastfeeding is the gold standard in infant nutrition, and it's the number-one way to support your baby's immune system. But why is that true? And, what if you're unable to breastfeed or choose to use formula?

One reason mother's milk is so unique and potent may be human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), special prebiotics that are abundant in breast milk. HMOs feed the good bacteria in your baby's gut—where 70 percent of the immune system lives—and, research has shown that HMOs help to support baby's immune system and digestive system.

More specifically, 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-FL) is by far the most prevalent HMO identified in most mother's milk; and extensive emerging research on 2'-FL HMO suggests it may provide positive health benefits for the gut microbiome and beyond

For parents who need or choose to use infant formula, there's a way to give your child the immune-nourishing benefits of HMOs. Backed by nearly two decades of HMO research, Abbott's Similac® with 2′-FL HMO brings immune benefits of HMO* to formula-fed babies.**

3. Choose a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables.

As your baby starts eating solid food, offer only whole foods and whole food purees—including plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains. In particular, bananas and asparagus are rich in prebiotics, which help probiotics—found in fermented foods like yogurt and kefir—do their jobs.

4. Become a Dog Lover.

Playing with a family or neighborhood pet even has its benefits to overall immune health—helping to diversify the species of bacteria in your child's gut. In fact, studies show that safe interaction with pets can change the composition and diversity of the microbes in a child's gut and may even reduce his risk for asthma and eczema.

5. Let Your Child Get Dirty.

Encourage your child to play outside and explore the outdoors, which can help him get a dose of healthy bacteria. You don't have to overdo cleanliness, but you should always make sure your child washes his hands after using the bathroom, before meals and when he's sick.

6. Move More.

Exercise may also diversify your child's gut microbes, a study in the journal Gut found. Make sure he gets at least 60 minutes of activity each day at the park, the playground or an indoor play space on brisk days.

From the moment a child enters the world, the gut microbiome begins to develop. The first years of life are an especially critical time for growing trillions of bacteria to benefit the immune system. With a few simple steps, parents can play an important role in helping to build a child's immune system – by first building a healthy gut – and laying the foundation for a lifetime of good health.

*not from human milk

**Similac with HMO was introduced in the U.S. in 2016 as the first infant formula with 2’-FL HMO, an immune-nourishing prebiotic that was previously only found at significant levels in breast milk. 

About Rachael Buck

Rachael Buck, Ph.D, works on the forefront of infant nutrition. As a discovery scientist in the field of immune health, Rachael studies the components of breast milk to help Abbott nutritionists develop infant formulas that are as close as possible to breast milk. 

Taking a Farm to Formula Approach: Pure Bliss by Similac Irish Farms Infant Formula

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A herd of dairy cows grazing in a meadow


Key Takeaways

• Ireland is known for its milk and dairy products.

• There are various reasons why Ireland is an ideal place for dairy farming, such as Ireland’s temperate climate, grassy pastures and welfare-friendly farms.

• Made in Ireland, Pure Bliss® by Similac® Irish Farms* infant formula starts with fresh milk sourced from cows in Ireland and offers complete nutrition for your baby’s first 12 months.

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How To Tell if Your Toddler Is Dehydrated

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A young child smiles while eating watermelon outside


Key Takeaways

• Toddlers can get dehydrated during various illnesses or really hot weather.

• Water, ice cubes, hydrating foods and frozen electrolyte fruit-flavored pops can all help your child stay hydrated.

• Watch for signs of dehydration, like fatigue, crankiness, and less urination.

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Similac is the first formula brand with both two fluid ounces of HMO for immune support and our unique blend of DHA and Lutein for brain and eye development.