Healthy Foods to Eat Every Day: 365 Days of Nutrition

Healthy Foods to Eat Every Day: 365 Days of Nutrition

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Here's how minor changes to your diet can help optimize your health all year long.

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A person holds out a bowl filled with vegetables and legumes.

JAN. 23, 2024   5 MINUTE READ

Key Takeaways

• It's important to eat a well-rounded diet that consists of a variety of nutrient-dense foods.
• Small, incremental changes can make a big difference to your health over time.
• Turning your short-term goals into a long-term lifestyle takes time.

New Year's resolutions are often associated with restrictive diets. Despite the short-term progress some may see after following these diets, the reality is they’re not sustainable. That’s why nutrition experts often recommend a more balanced approach that involves eating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods to promote your overall health and well-being.

While certain foods may contain high amounts of one particular nutrient, no single nutrient is responsible for improving your health alone. Rather, a combination of nutrients works synergistically to promote health. This means that the variety of foods you eat daily is more important than any single nutrient or food group. Fortunately, it's never too late to start building eating habits that reflect this.

Read on for tips to adjust your New Year's resolution for a healthier you — for the long haul.

Exploring Healthy Foods to Eat Every Day

There isn't one "perfect" way to eat, but if you're looking to eat better, start by focusing on a range of nutrient-dense selections across the following food groups:

  • All types of vegetables (including starchy vegetables)
  • All types of fruits
  • Legumes, like beans and peas
  • High-fiber whole grains like whole wheat, oats, barley and quinoa
  • Dairy products, such as yogurt, milk and cheese; or fortified dairy alternatives
  • Protein from a variety of plant or animal sources (or both)
  • Healthy fats and oils like avocado, nuts and seeds, fatty fish and olive oil

The ideal amount of each type of food varies by age and daily calorie needs — but the central premise is that you can mix and match foods from each group to create a balanced eating approach that ensures you don't miss out on essential nutrients.

For example, dark green vegetables like kale and spinach offer a good source of vitamin K, while legumes like beans and peas provide fiber and protein. Whole grains like oats and quinoa are rich in B vitamins, and dairy products or dairy alternatives offer calcium to support bone health.

5 Strategies to Keep You on Track All Year

Despite the best intentions, maintaining healthy eating habits all year long can feel challenging. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most U.S. children and adults eat far less than the recommended daily amount of produce. Fewer than 1 in 10 children and adults eat enough vegetables and fewer than 1 in 7 adults eat enough fruit.

Turning a short-term goal into a long-term lifestyle takes time, but consuming a consistent amount of nutrient-dense foods throughout the year doesn't have to be a daunting task. Here are some strategies to help you stay on track.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Instead of trying to overhaul your entire eating plan at once, set achievable goals you can work toward throughout the year. Make one simple change, like adding a serving of vegetables to breakfast every day. Once you've got that down, move on to your next goal.

2. Meal Plan and Prep

One of the biggest challenges in maintaining a nutritious approach is finding the time to prepare meals every day. Try to set aside time each week to plan out your meals and do some meal prep. Even pre-chopping veggies can save you minutes and ensure that you have healthy options readily available.

3. Keep It Seasonal

Food picked at the peak of ripeness often contains higher levels of nutrients; it also tends to taste better. By incorporating seasonal produce into your meals, you can enjoy and benefit from a variety of flavors and nutrients over the year. (This can also prevent food boredom!) Frozen foods are a great way to choose seasonal produce as they are picked in peak season.

4. Make Healthy Swaps

Rather than eliminate less nutritive or unhealthy foods from your diet altogether, incorporate some healthy swaps. For example, if you love pasta, there’s no need to cut it out of your diet altogether. Try swapping half of your traditional pasta for whole grain pasta or zoodles to add some additional fiber. This adds various nutrients to your meals without feeling restricted.

5. Snack Smart

Keep healthy snacks like nuts and seeds, hummus and veggies, and yogurt with granola on hand for when you need them. On-the-go options like Ensure® Max Protein shakes are also great when you need a quick and convenient source of protein and nutrients.

Daily Nutrition Habits for Lifelong Health

A New Year's resolution can amount to more than a January goal — it can be a lifelong commitment to your health and wellness. Focusing on a wide range of nutritious foods to eat every day can significantly improve your health and well-being today and far into your future.

Remember, there's no need to make sweeping changes all at once; small, realistic additions to your routine can add flavor and nutrition, and you can make ongoing adjustments based on your personal health goals and dietary needs.

Keep in mind, long-term changes take time, but once established, these daily habits can lay the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant you.

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What Is Collagen and Why Is It Important to Your Health?


Collagen is one of the most popular items to hit the nutrition aisle, but what exactly is it? And how important is it for your health? Collagen is a protein in the body that provides structure to the connective tissue. Over time and with aging, collagen production decreases causing less elasticity in the skin. Researchers are studying collagen for its potential to reduce wrinkles, mitigate joint pain and reduce bone deterioration.

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What Is the Daily Calorie Intake for Your Life Stage?

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A mother and her adult daughter cook in the kitchen.


Calories sometimes get a bad rap. But should they? People are often told that a high-calorie eating approach can lead to weight gain. But too few calories can be equally problematic, robbing the body of the fuel and vital nutrients it needs to perform at its best.

The trick to optimal nutrition isn't avoiding calories. It's about balancing the energy and nutrients you take in with the amount you expend. So, what is the daily calorie intake that's right for you? This guide can help.

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